
it's been a whole 3 months since i've been away.... didn't even really have time to check my own emails... and now that it's the last day i finally have some time of my own to just sit here and write 2 you all.... it's been a tough but loving three months.. tones of laughter, tones of tears.... tones of work which leads to tones of food because i just had to eat to keep myself awake.... will soon be uploading photos of the drama when i am unpacked and settled back to my lovely bedroom which i miss so much...  

距離上次再台灣已經三個月之前的事了,甚至沒有時間收e mail,難得今天可以真的坐下寫寫部落格,這三個很艱辛也很愉快,有歡笑有淚水也有食物的安慰(來保持清醒),馬上就可以在我超懷念的房間裡更新拍到的照片放給大家看



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