A few days ago khalil came to taiwan and we sanged our new duet at a show, and afterwards thought still very tired we went to play a little with our collegues to relax our tense tense muscles. I have to tell you at the beginning khalil was like “oh I don’t normally play” but towards the end it clearly seemed like he’s the machine play play man. I am sure he was just too shy to say “oh yeah I’d love to play fun fun fun”!

KHALIL幾天前來到台灣,我們倆在超級星光大道節目中一起合唱,之後雖然很累我們還是跟同事一起出去玩,好好放鬆一下身心。一定要說的是本來KHALIL 一直說通常我不會玩的….不過最後很明顯的他根本是個瘋狂小子,我想他根本只是太害羞不好意思承認他其實是個超愛玩的人吧!


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