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fionataiwanclub 發表在 痞客邦 留言(15) 人氣()

My company brought me to this place called “5 fun poo” the other day to shop around for casual wear. That place was full of small shops up to 1000 or more of them… really crazy but before we started that crazy shop trip we went for some noodles… and as usual I drew with my food again…

我公司同事帶我去一個叫做五分埔的地方買些比較休閒的衣服. 這個地方有大概超過一千家商店吧,人很多很擠, 在開始瘋狂採購之前我們去吃些麵,跟往常一樣我又幫我的食物畫上臉……

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Came down from a photo shoot and street was full of people only to find out that there was this parade going on. It was a parade done for a Chinese goddess which I was unfamiliar with but still I had fun with watching it.


攝影棚拍完照,發現路上有遊行所以很多人. 不知道是哪個我不認識的神明出巡, 但是我還是看著津津有味.

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造成不便 敬請見諒


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6/7(六) 12 :30 武昌誠品

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A few days ago khalil came to taiwan and we sanged our new duet at a show, and afterwards thought still very tired we went to play a little with our collegues to relax our tense tense muscles. I have to tell you at the beginning khalil was like “oh I don’t normally play” but towards the end it clearly seemed like he’s the machine play play man. I am sure he was just too shy to say “oh yeah I’d love to play fun fun fun”!

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Today fi spent a day with one of her fan that had bided her for her ‘one day’ online.

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Had to absolutely say thanks to those who screamed and clapped for fi!!!! I woke up 5:30am in the morning in hk to take a 8:30 flight to Taiwan that morning and as soon as I arrived fi worked non stop… and so my last mission was the school tour. Honetly speaking I was half dead when I was in the car on my way to the college, but as soon as I stepped on the stage and heard you all scream I was “hyper fi” once again. Want to say thanks for those of you who bought my album and made those ‘fiona’ boards for me… very sweet of you…

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【保證一對一施愛!跟FIONA共享甜蜜好滋味!】公益拍賣:香港小天后 薛凱琪的一天

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Had a small break between two radio interviews today, and lucky fi found her favorite " Smelly tofu " on the street as her dinner!! 


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one of the best things in taiwan would probably be all the choices of midnight food... and i have been having a lot of those lately , how i wish i could be sharing them with friends and family in hk  for everything that fiona enjoys reminds her of the people who she loves!


fionataiwanclub 發表在 痞客邦 留言(6) 人氣()

if fiona was an animal.... : P

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april 30th fi was there taking pictures for Khalil below the stage during our rehearsal... it had been a great show that shouldn't have been missed, and i am more than happy to have been his guest...

luv fi

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Fiona最新主打歌 It's My Day~    希望大家會喜歡^^

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香港樂壇小天后薛凱琪,首張國語專輯"It's My Day"將在4月18日正式發行囉!!!!


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