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  • Nov 30 Tue 1999 17:02

her name is CRASH been listening to a lot of gwen when paintin it...



fionataiwanclub 發表在 痞客邦 留言(49) 人氣()

thanks for all your support of F BEST as i heard that all the special edition's sold out....just wanna say thanks for all your support since this compilation means a lot to me...... but then again the non special editions are also very special :P ..... will soon  have a autograph function for F BEST and i hope to display my paintings out for you for the 1st time.. as they are much more interesting in live size

非常感謝大家的支持F BEST,這次的發行對我意義重大,當聽到現量版銷售一空時真的很感動,但是非限量版也很特別喔!馬上就會有簽名活動,但是還是很希望可以讓大家看到實境畫作的展示,希望會有畫展讓大家參觀



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jus a little note to all my fans who supported me that night... you guys were great but jus wanna say sorry that i didn't take pics with you all since it was too crowded but i appreciated your efforts....

also wanna say thanks to Paule Ka and Kennie for the beautiful wardrobe very sleek ...

didn't have much time to take photos that  night so the photos i've uploaded are pretty random hope u like it though

Paule ka&Kennie提供我很漂亮的造型,隨性紀錄的照片希望大家會喜歡。

fionataiwanclub 發表在 痞客邦 留言(47) 人氣()

There’s a list as long as my neck which I can give you that gives me stress!! Work, pressure, myself, expectations, the media….  Bla bla bla

But whenever I come to think that I am not alone then it all goes away… my neck shortens..yeepee… @_@  I don’t think that I would be able to find myself in a happier and more positive family that I am in now... 

There was a time where the lines were made clear … a day of work is a day of work and holiday is holiday, and it felt bad sometimes because the number of working days just out grows my holidays… but now it doesn’t matter cuz they have merged. I’ve been able to see every working day as a holiday with the help of crazy people around me. I found family cuz they’re all
crazy like me.  At backstage of  the RTHK award me and zarahn would pretend that we’re Japanese cartoon characters, the one for Sina endy and khalil would have a game of torture, endless singing on car trips.. those I love the most (was unable 2 take pics whilst singing …so  no reference : P)  and so on…

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i have been having too many meals a day over here in taiwan... during these past two days fi has had around 4 -5 meals per day... .. so i came back home and started to do all the house work that i could possibly do which includes; washing the toilets, moping the floor , washing all clothes and dusting.. pretty tiring but then again less guilty.

going to record a new song tomorrow, and out of all the demos i've heard so far this could possibly be the best one i like, a sorrowful yet romantic ballad. it's that type of song where you could almost tell what the girl is saying to you without understanding the language that's been sung... gotta go practice some more singing at home see you soon.

p.s. thanks for all of those who came to the juicy fruit show on the 23rd ,you  guys were great....amd i am touched

luv fi

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fionataiwanclub 發表在 痞客邦 留言(50) 人氣()

a concert with soul... one that you shouldn't have missed... if u did, lets just hope that it'll soon be
on dvd! : P


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night 2

she continues talking



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fionataiwanclub 發表在 痞客邦 留言(51) 人氣()

very happy to have had 4 awards @ the beginnin of da year...wanna thank all my fans @ GZ and never the less the ones in HK ofcourse!! As usual we played a lot at backstage and here is our family photo...though a little posey i thought is wuz classy.....



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fionataiwanclub 發表在 痞客邦 留言(50) 人氣()

in the making of this movie.. fi had a great time working with everybody...

the girl inside the movie (farn su wa) is a very simple happy girl... and so i try to be it... even though fi too is a happy girl.. i tend 2 think too much at a lot of times.... never lettin my brain rest, quite tiring smts... so i guess i was more relaxed when i became her... simple minded...no worries... just plain happy and straight forward... but that needs a lot of reminding to do ...always had to remind myself to b more simple and plain when actin so you'll b seeing a more 'oi oi day' geh fiona when watchin this movie!! Had fun making the film and hope that you'll be having 100x more fun than i did when watchin it!!!! ; P

Fi很開心的跟大家一起完成了這部片子。片中的女孩(farn su wa)是一位單純可愛的女生,是我學習的對象。(雖然我已經很接近了)只是有時候會話太多,從來不讓我的大腦先生休息,我猜如果我可以變成像她一樣的話,一定可以更輕鬆一些,煩惱少一些,只要直接一點會更快樂一點。所以大家可以在片中發現fi有很多小不同出現。希望大家在觀賞時也可以發現超過我感受一百倍的趣味

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went 2 their opening a few days ago... and wanna take their chappie home....



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poster i found on the da way...... it probably says '' vote 4 fi ''


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  • Nov 30 Tue 1999 15:08
  • "cool"



fionataiwanclub 發表在 痞客邦 留言(49) 人氣()

on our way 2 wrk in china me & endy played games in da car... he lost and so had to pretend 2 be this flower 4 me 2 upload ..which ended up so scary  i dunno y...so... here u go... : P


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fionataiwanclub 發表在 痞客邦 留言(50) 人氣()

as a prezzy 2 all of u out there who supported my 1st plug so much ... i have a newer and improved version for u .... i think....hope u think so 2.... enjoy .. and crack up (www.fiona-sit.com.hk)


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