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took some daily photos for you guys to see with my phone but then just to realize that i forgot to bring the sd card... so here we go lets just take a look at one first...

have been having intense mandarine courses pretty often, that is everyday before i record a new song, and on the day of everytime i start a new song. amnd most of my meals would therefore b spent at the studio eating 'been dong' which is pretty yummy.

that pic that you guys are looking at now was taken when fi went out for a movie. there was a time when fi had a few days of recording break as the lyrics were being rewritten and so she spent her few days exploring taiwan, and their lovely almost 24hrs cinemas which i adore.

have to go out to record soon, but before that i would usally wash some clothes and do some dusting. just found out that when i have to do everything myself fi is kinda like a 'cleanaholic'.. which is quite tiring when you come back from a days work and you kinda still wanna wash & clean things up.

see you guys velly soon..... soon as a i get my stupid sd card..

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just kinda got everything settled down and fi has finnished recording her first song already... how i wish i could let you all listen to it straight away... my first song's written by goro @ zharan so when i sanged it it's like 'dup beet yuw chun cheet gum' feels like i am almost in hk wahaha...

fi's nicey mom came all the way to help fi settle things down and now she shall leave velly soon.. and so i will be living on my own for the first time in my life, which is scary somehow but also a time fo me to learn a lot of things.

one good thing about living here is no one really lives around me so i hv like a all time buffet of
'scream and sing all you want' anytime time of the day as i always get complained by my neighbors in hk...

there are sooo many thing to tell you but i have to rush off now so you guys here or in my site asap fi has the time to upload...

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dunno how many of you have seen... but i saw a magazine cover whilst i was walking past a store which i did not buy ... because i didn't wanted to buy some fake news about myself even though i was on the cover....

oh well without even buying it ..i knew what it said inside... it was saying that i went to see a chinese doc. to get my XXXXX bigger... WAHAHAHA.... just wanted 2 tell all of you that i would not do a thing like that to hurt my health or body...  just so that any part of my body would
look 'bigger'....  because i never believed 'big= better' ..& what i have always
been selling is not 'size' i sell my singing lalala hehehehe 

been very busy lately ... recording my album, learning dancing at night, cd cover shoots. shoots for my pictorial book plus rehearsals for my show with steph cheng... so my company brought me to that doctor for him to maintain my health and gave me some medicine which will ease my

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"i everybody i am from space...the planet i cum from is called 'UP THERE' . UP THERE is a really nice place but just thought that since it's lovely christmas time, i came flying down here to wish you all a very merry christams."

"i know i've been away for a long time all the way 'UP THERE' making this drama i love but i wanna say that i do miss hanging with you, singing 2 u dancing 4 u."

" anything crazy, beautiful, romantic and impossible can happen @ christams as long as you believe in it...make a beautiful wish and i hope it'll come true with my alien power... if it doesn't jus wait patiently... and it will soon sum day. If i can make it all the way from UP THERE down to here... then anything is possible!!!"

melly christmas

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  • Nov 30 Tue 1999 11:40
  • glow

scary pic ... cool bor hi... hi


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  • Nov 30 Tue 1999 11:35
  • drawin

hmmmmm a fren of mine browsed around net and found that a person drew this drawin of me and emailed it to me.... i dunno who did it but jus wanted to upload it here to let him or her know that it's very sweet and well drawn ....i like it a lot....

fi... @ china 'but' will b back soon yeepeeeee



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i was late for dinner that day and my friends were waiting....didn't look very pleased ... the word 'boredom' was written on their faces... i had 2 take a picture


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went for anual body check the other day... and their
needles totally freaked me out ... was scared by just
looking at the needles and then the nurse told me that
the needle that she uses for me is already a baby
needle and not an adult one... then.... i yelled...

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one of dee location was this typical 2 floor japan house that was very traditional and which i found romantic... but then it was pretty cold in japan... so fi was warmin herself whenever she wasn't shooting..

would be nice to live in one of these houses for a few months just chilling and doin sum drawings....but maybe not singing.. cuz when i was there i was too happy and started to jump around kinda creamin for fun... and found out that you have to be quiet to live
in one of these houses for the doors and walls r v. thin and the neighbors will 'tuw so' :P


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came back from japan shooting for 'don't touch'
magazine... have been taking a lot of pics.. and umm
eating a lot too...

ON DA WAY 2 D NOODLES...traffic jam plus rainya rainy
day fi gets bored and draws on the window while she

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it's been a whole 3 months since i've been away.... didn't even really have time to check my own emails... and now that it's the last day i finally have some time of my own to just sit here and write 2 you all.... it's been a tough but loving three months.. tones of laughter, tones of tears.... tones of work which leads to tones of food because i just had to eat to keep myself awake.... will soon be uploading photos of the drama when i am unpacked and settled back to my lovely bedroom which i miss so much...  

距離上次再台灣已經三個月之前的事了,甚至沒有時間收e mail,難得今天可以真的坐下寫寫部落格,這三個很艱辛也很愉快,有歡笑有淚水也有食物的安慰(來保持清醒),馬上就可以在我超懷念的房間裡更新拍到的照片放給大家看

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random photos during our print ad shoot....


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so happy to be getting the song award sunday
because i know that it's so hard to stand up on the
stage of 903 for 2 years.....

i know that i should b posting u guys msgs earlier
but fi was really tired because she didn't sleep for

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a night @ their band rm with just a lot of singing and groove... too bad the pictures has no sound... : P


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fi's 1st compilation is out at last... and i would see it as a round up of joy, memories, laughters and tears..... in the past 3 yrs... so therefore u see that drop of tear in my eye... j/k, is was spilt water  : >

i shot this short film in taiwan which lasts around 14 mins ... it's a love story linking with the mv of my two new songs (har chee har chee & luw tai juun gork)... it talks of a girl who would always break up with her boyfriend almost every month, and of course i play the role of that very girl in the film. she chooses 2 break up with him not because of the lack of love she has for him, but perhaps 2 much love... so much that she could not handle, so much that she could not bare to have the guy saying that he wants 2 breakup with her first, so much that she is even agraid to picture  of losing the passion between them as time goes by, so much that she chooses 2 break up with him every  month, so much love that after every month they would fall in love again as a couple.

a quirky girl, i hope you would like her... and her album...

there's much about the album that i would like to write about... but i just got back from the  airport and it's 2 am... i think i will upload this tomorrow when i wake up...

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played a little game of drawing after dinner and
decided 2 play a little bit more ...

as ppl were cleanin up the table an experiment was set
up on the paper table cloth (no i didn't draw on table
cloth it was more like a disposable paper thingy) to

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warner girl warner boy and soul boy rehearsing for medly to b sung on  the 21st!



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Welcome to my yahoo page... been pretty busy lately
with my hit concert which i had just finnished... so
whenever i am free now would be staying home just to
simply recharge myself for up coming work.... covering
up myself with my blanket as you can see in da pic

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