took some daily photos for you guys to see with my phone but then just to realize that i forgot to bring the sd card... so here we go lets just take a look at one first...

have been having intense mandarine courses pretty often, that is everyday before i record a new song, and on the day of everytime i start a new song. amnd most of my meals would therefore b spent at the studio eating 'been dong' which is pretty yummy.

that pic that you guys are looking at now was taken when fi went out for a movie. there was a time when fi had a few days of recording break as the lyrics were being rewritten and so she spent her few days exploring taiwan, and their lovely almost 24hrs cinemas which i adore.

have to go out to record soon, but before that i would usally wash some clothes and do some dusting. just found out that when i have to do everything myself fi is kinda like a 'cleanaholic'.. which is quite tiring when you come back from a days work and you kinda still wanna wash & clean things up.

see you guys velly soon..... soon as a i get my stupid sd card..

love fi







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