he's passed away already ..and it was really hard for me.... when i knew i was in the middle of shoooting...
but thanks for all those of you who had prayed for him please keep on praying that he shall be in the hand of God and hopefully i heaven having a peaceful time.

i worry the most about my parents now, for they are alone in hk without me ....stayin home looking at all those photos of dung dung everynight is really hard.... so i pray for them everynight hoping to give them peace at heartand to feel at ease very soon.... because they are not taking this situation very well. hope that you guys could really pray hard in your
heart for my parents cuz they are crying everynight and i feel bad for not being with them. thanks so much for all your love and kindness... wish you all health and love.


他已經離開我了,對我而言真的很難熬,得知這個消息的時候我正在錄音,謝謝那些為dung dung待禱的大家,希望大家可以持續位他禱告,讓他可以安息

我特別擔心在香港的親人,因為他們少了我的陪伴,在家中回憶那些dung dung的舊照片,希望大家可以以起跟我為家人禱告讓他們可以度過這次的傷痛。我知道他們每天都很傷心的流淚,加上沒有我在身邊,謝謝大家的代禱,也希望大家健康喜樂。



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