
would thought you'd like to see through my happy moments... though a picture could not possibly tell how grateful i was because the award that i got really belonged to the great promoters and the writers and producer of the song so i was super high that night on their behalf since they had to be sensible adults wahaha.... lets say their names here again....  

thanks edward and charles 4 making those impossible notes... still remember talking to you after the jamie show whilst cueing up for taxi how i thought the demo itself was so imppossibly fast i wonder how the whole song was gonna happen... well it did.. and it did nicely... chow yiu fai..... oh my i know you had such hard times fitting those words in but you made it happen beautifully in a cool way... evi & sai fay you guys rocked with me in the studio during those sessions must've been tiring eh? can't wait to party with u in there sum more!!!!

thanks to all my supportive fans and also those who called or messaged to congradulate .... yeah i know this upload is a bit late but i am always kinda slow on things  : P

luv fi

光是藉由照片還是無法告訴你我到底有多開心,因為我得到的獎項還是歸功於辛苦製作的工作團隊們,所以我們就再報上大名逐一感謝他們:多謝edward.charles的不可思議留言體醒(我還是無法忘記那demo的效果可以出乎意料的好及有效率的完工)chow yiu fai非常感謝你克服頭痛的寫詞讓歌曲有了生命,evi.sai fay陪我在錄音室裡奮戰苦窯,迫不期待要再跟你們一起party


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